30 Self-care ideas for those extra stressful days

We constantly hear people talk about the term self-care, but what exactly is it, and why is it important?

 "Self-care is one’s action is around our physical, emotional, relational, perhaps professional, educational, and, for some people, spiritual well-being that reflects the way that we take care of ourselves on the most fundamental levels," says Helen L. Coons, PhD, a clinical health psychologist at the specializing in women’s behavioral health and wellness at the University of Colorado School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry in Aurora, Colorado.

 Self-care reduces the negative aspects of stress, while taking your mind and body to a different level.  Self-care produces positive feelings, which improves self-confidence and your self-esteem.

 Below are 30 tips that are mindful of your time and your energy level, to help bring your stress level down: 

  1. Go for a walk or a hike
  2. Read a self-improvement book
  3. Go to the gym
  4. Learn something new
  5. Burn essential oils
  6. Take a nap and catch up on some sleep
  7. Practice yoga
  8. Have an at home spa day
  9. Donate to a charity
  10. Meditate
  11. Bake cookies
  12. Unplug from social media
  13. Make a healthy recipe
  14. Start a vision board
  15. Use a Himalayan salt lamp
  16. Listen to a podcast
  17. Try something new
  18. Take a new workout class
  19. Compliment a stranger
  20. Take deep breaths
  21. Drink an herbal tea
  22. Call a family member or friend
  23. Eat nourishing foods
  24. Light a candle
  25. Take a bath
  26. Read a book
  27. Buy some flowers
  28. Lay in the sun
  29. Deep clean
  30. Meal prep for the week